Verdinglichung und Herrschaft. Technikkritik als Kritik sozialer Praxis.

Stahl, Titus | Book chapter in Ding und Verdinglichung. Technik- und Sozialphilosophie nach Heidegger und der Kritischen Theorie, 2012


This chapter examines Georg Lukács's theory of "reification" and proposes a reformulation in terms of the impossibility of subjects to appropriate the social practices in which they participate. Based on this reformulation, a plausible conception of the role of technology in reification processes becomes available which connects to both the critique of technology in the Frankfurt School and (in a more limited sense) in Heidegger

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Edited by

Friesen, Hans, Lotz, Christian, Meier, Jakob, Wolf, Markus


Wilhelm Fink