Academic Presentations



  1. Democratic Hope and Political Anger (Groningen, 11/2024)
  2. Moralized, realist, and epistemic ideology critique (Eindhoven, 10/2024)
  3. Habermas on Platform Power (Groningen, 10/2024)
  4. The AI Act, Biometric Surveillance and Freedom of Assembly (Ljubljana, 05/2024)
  5. Anger, Hope, and Protest (Prague, 05/2024)
  6. Impersonal Power - Comment on Soren Mau's "Mute Compulsion" (Groningen, 02/2024)



  1. Grounding Epistemic Privilege: A Reconstruction of a Lukácsian Standpoint Theory (Budapest, 09/2023)
  2. Taking Power in the Public Sphere Seriously (Prague, 09/2023)
  3. Standpoints without Privileged Experiences, Ideology Without False Consciousness (Berlin, 06/2023)
  4. Hoffnung oder Empörung? (Frankfurt, 06/2023)
  5. Conversation with Christoph Menke: What is Liberation? (Amsterdam, 04/2023)
  6. Ideologie und epistemische Ungerechtigkeit (Oldenburg, 01/2023)



  1. Republican Citizenship and Structural Domination in the Digital Public Sphere (Nijmegen, 09/2022)
  2. Ideological Hope (Berlin, 07/2022)
  3. Ideals without Idealization: Why Critical Theories Need a Reference to an Ideal Society (Lisbon, 05/2022)



  1. Herrschaft als Zentralbegriff der Kritischen Theorie (Berlin, 12/2021)
  2. Ideological Hope (Tilburg, 12/2021)
  3. Oppressive forms of life (Berlin, 11/2021)
  4. Ideals without Ideal Theory. On the Foundations of Radical Social Critique (Groningen, 10/2021)
  5. Response to Alejandro Mosqueda: „A problem with backward-looking responsibility in oppression contexts and an option to counter oppression“ (Bogotá, 08/2021)
  6. Ideals without Ideal Theory. On the Foundations of Radical Social Critique (Groningen, 07/2021)



  1. What (if anything) is ideological about ideal theories? (Hamburg, 12/2020)
  2. Herrschaft und Befreiung - Die politische Theorie in Marx' Kapital (Nuremberg, 05/2020)
  3. What (if Anything) is Ideological about Ideal Theories? (Berlin, 01/2020)



  1. Comment on Chapter 3: "How Exploiters Dominate" (Leiden, 09/2019)
  2. Comment on Malvina Ongaro “Voting on Mandatory Vaccinations” (Groningen, 06/2019)
  3. Privacy in Public: A Democratic Defense (Karlsruhe, 04/2019)
  4. Towards a Materialist Theory of Ideological Propaganda (Oxford, 01/2019)
  5. Privacy in Public: A Democratic Defense (Groningen, 01/2019)



  1. Surveillance as Colonization of the Public Sphere (Amsterdam, 2018)
  2. Towards a Materialist Theory of Ideological Propaganda (Groningen, 2018)
  3. Ideology (Berlin, 2018)
  4. Towards a Materialist Theory of Ideological Propaganda (Prague, 2018)



  1. The Social Practice of Law: A Recognition Account (Amsterdam, 12/2017)



  1. Privacy Activism and Civil Disobedience (Groningen, 12/2016)
  2. Habermas and the Project of Immanent Critique (Granada, 11/2016)
  3. Collective Hope (The Hague, 08/2016)
  4. Fundamental Hope and Practical Identity (Estes Park, 06/2016)
  5. Hope beyond Liberalism (Groningen, 06/2016)



  1. Three Pathologies of Responsibility in Collective Contexts (Jyväskylä, 2015)
  2. Collective Hope and Social Justice (Amsterdam, 2015)
  3. What's Wrong with Surveillance? (Amsterdam, 2015)
  4. Fundamental Hope and Practical Identity (Osnabrück, 2015)
  5. Collective Responsibility for Oppression (Leiden, 2015)
  6. What’s Wrong with Surveillance? (Amsterdam, 2015)
  7. Collective Responsibility for Oppression (Groningen, 2015)



  1. What is a Critical Social Ontology? (Essen, 2014)
  2. Response on Panel 'The Disobedient Network' (Amsterdam, 2014)
  3. Comment on Sally Haslanger’s Theory of Ideology (Berlin, 2014)
  4. Real Power for Republicans (Tilburg, 2014)
  5. Social Reasons (Frankfurt, 2014)
  6. Traditional and Critical Social Ontologies (Paris, 2014)
  7. Wann sind gesellschaftliche Machtverhältnisse gerecht? (Hannover, 2014)



  1. Social Kinds, Social Construction and Ideology. Comment on Sally Haslanger's Resisting Reality (Amsterdam, 2013)
  2. Social Power and Social Justice (Frankfurt, 2013)
  3. Immanent Critique, Power, and Ideology (Colchester, 2013)
  4. Power, Reasons and Reason (Berlin, 2013)
  5. Recognition, Ideology, and Critique (Frankfurt, 2013)



  1. Soziale Macht und Gerechtigkeit. Ein radikaler Vorschlag (Leipzig, 2012)
  2. Non-Domination, Institutional Power, and Social Freedom (Columbia, 2012)
  3. The Internal Point of View as a First-Person Plural Point of View (Tilburg, 09/2012)
  4. Beyond Plans and Practices: Law as Collective Intentional Institution of Authority (Manchester, 2012)
  5. Power - An Even More Radical View (Prague, 2012)
  6. Criminals, Revolutionaries, and Beautiful Souls. Hegel on the Pathologies of Social Freedom (Dublin, 2012)
  7. Conceptions of Power and Conceptions of Justice (Dublin, 2012)
  8. Kommentar zu Axel Honneths "Das Recht der Freiheit" (Bad Homburg, 2012)
  9. Die Macht der Gerechtigkeit (Frankfurt, 2012)



  1. Woher bekommt die immanente Kritik ihre Normen? (Frankfurt, 2011)
  2. Soziale Gerechtigkeit und institutionelle Macht (Munich, 2011)
  3. Second Nature and Reflection. Towards a Negative Naturalism (Auckland, 2011)
  4. Verbrecher, Terroristen und Schöne Seelen. Hegel über die Pathologien sozialer Freiheit (Stuttgart, 2011)
  5. Praxis, Technik und expressive Vernunft. Verdinglichung als Pathologie zweiter Ordnung (Cottbus, 2011)
  6. Ideologiekritik als Kritik sozialer Praktiken (Berlin, 2011)



  1. Joint Commitment and Collective Normative Self-Governance (Basel, 2010)
  2. Reification as a Second-Order Pathology (Prague, 2010)
  3. Eine kritische Theorie sozialer Praktiken (Munich, 2010)
  4. Eine kritische Theorie sozialer Praktiken (Berlin, 2010)



  1. Sharing the Background (Konstanz, 2009)
  2. Eine kritische Theorie sozialer Praktiken (Cologne, 2009)



  1. Criminals and Beautiful Souls: Hegel on Rule-Following and Moral Freedom (Sydney, 2008)
  2. Institutional Power, Collective Acceptance and Recognition (Berkeley, 2008)
  3. Three Forms of Social Freedom (Frankfurt, 2008)
  4. The Social Ontological Foundations of Immanent Critique (Prague, 2008)



  1. The Politics of Recognition and the Limited Power of ’Identity’ as an Argument (Sydney, 2007)
  2. Response to Anthony J. Langlois’ “Religious Reasons in Political Debate: Jeffrey Stout and the Tradition of Democracy” (Sydney, 2007)
  3. Gibt es legitime Ansprüche auf die Anerkennung partikularer Identitäten (Frankfurt, 2007)
  4. A Libertarian Reading of the Struggle for Recognition (Colchester, 2007)


Professional Presentations



  1. Ideological Propaganda (Groningen, 05/2024)



  1. Data Autonomy, Non-Domination and Academic Freedom (Groningen, 06/2022)

