Academic Presentations
- Democratic Hope and Political Anger (Groningen, 11/2024)
- Moralized, realist, and epistemic ideology critique (Eindhoven, 10/2024)
- Habermas on Platform Power (Groningen, 10/2024)
- The AI Act, Biometric Surveillance and Freedom of Assembly (Ljubljana, 05/2024)
- Anger, Hope, and Protest (Prague, 05/2024)
- Impersonal Power - Comment on Soren Mau's "Mute Compulsion" (Groningen, 02/2024)
- Grounding Epistemic Privilege: A Reconstruction of a Lukácsian Standpoint Theory (Budapest, 09/2023)
- Taking Power in the Public Sphere Seriously (Prague, 09/2023)
- Standpoints without Privileged Experiences, Ideology Without False Consciousness (Berlin, 06/2023)
- Hoffnung oder Empörung? (Frankfurt, 06/2023)
- Conversation with Christoph Menke: What is Liberation? (Amsterdam, 04/2023)
- Ideologie und epistemische Ungerechtigkeit (Oldenburg, 01/2023)
- Republican Citizenship and Structural Domination in the Digital Public Sphere (Nijmegen, 09/2022)
- Ideological Hope (Berlin, 07/2022)
- Ideals without Idealization: Why Critical Theories Need a Reference to an Ideal Society (Lisbon, 05/2022)
- Herrschaft als Zentralbegriff der Kritischen Theorie (Berlin, 12/2021)
- Ideological Hope (Tilburg, 12/2021)
- Oppressive forms of life (Berlin, 11/2021)
- Ideals without Ideal Theory. On the Foundations of Radical Social Critique (Groningen, 10/2021)
- Response to Alejandro Mosqueda: „A problem with backward-looking responsibility in oppression contexts and an option to counter oppression“ (Bogotá, 08/2021)
- Ideals without Ideal Theory. On the Foundations of Radical Social Critique (Groningen, 07/2021)
- What (if anything) is ideological about ideal theories? (Hamburg, 12/2020)
- Herrschaft und Befreiung - Die politische Theorie in Marx' Kapital (Nuremberg, 05/2020)
- What (if Anything) is Ideological about Ideal Theories? (Berlin, 01/2020)
- Comment on Chapter 3: "How Exploiters Dominate" (Leiden, 09/2019)
- Comment on Malvina Ongaro “Voting on Mandatory Vaccinations” (Groningen, 06/2019)
- Privacy in Public: A Democratic Defense (Karlsruhe, 04/2019)
- Towards a Materialist Theory of Ideological Propaganda (Oxford, 01/2019)
- Privacy in Public: A Democratic Defense (Groningen, 01/2019)
- Surveillance as Colonization of the Public Sphere (Amsterdam, 2018)
- Towards a Materialist Theory of Ideological Propaganda (Groningen, 2018)
- Ideology (Berlin, 2018)
- Towards a Materialist Theory of Ideological Propaganda (Prague, 2018)
- The Social Practice of Law: A Recognition Account (Amsterdam, 12/2017)
- Privacy Activism and Civil Disobedience (Groningen, 12/2016)
- Habermas and the Project of Immanent Critique (Granada, 11/2016)
- Collective Hope (The Hague, 08/2016)
- Fundamental Hope and Practical Identity (Estes Park, 06/2016)
- Hope beyond Liberalism (Groningen, 06/2016)
- Three Pathologies of Responsibility in Collective Contexts (Jyväskylä, 2015)
- Collective Hope and Social Justice (Amsterdam, 2015)
- What's Wrong with Surveillance? (Amsterdam, 2015)
- Fundamental Hope and Practical Identity (Osnabrück, 2015)
- Collective Responsibility for Oppression (Leiden, 2015)
- What’s Wrong with Surveillance? (Amsterdam, 2015)
- Collective Responsibility for Oppression (Groningen, 2015)
- What is a Critical Social Ontology? (Essen, 2014)
- Response on Panel 'The Disobedient Network' (Amsterdam, 2014)
- Comment on Sally Haslanger’s Theory of Ideology (Berlin, 2014)
- Real Power for Republicans (Tilburg, 2014)
- Social Reasons (Frankfurt, 2014)
- Traditional and Critical Social Ontologies (Paris, 2014)
- Wann sind gesellschaftliche Machtverhältnisse gerecht? (Hannover, 2014)
- Social Kinds, Social Construction and Ideology. Comment on Sally Haslanger's Resisting Reality (Amsterdam, 2013)
- Social Power and Social Justice (Frankfurt, 2013)
- Immanent Critique, Power, and Ideology (Colchester, 2013)
- Power, Reasons and Reason (Berlin, 2013)
- Recognition, Ideology, and Critique (Frankfurt, 2013)
- Soziale Macht und Gerechtigkeit. Ein radikaler Vorschlag (Leipzig, 2012)
- Non-Domination, Institutional Power, and Social Freedom (Columbia, 2012)
- The Internal Point of View as a First-Person Plural Point of View (Tilburg, 09/2012)
- Beyond Plans and Practices: Law as Collective Intentional Institution of Authority (Manchester, 2012)
- Power - An Even More Radical View (Prague, 2012)
- Criminals, Revolutionaries, and Beautiful Souls. Hegel on the Pathologies of Social Freedom (Dublin, 2012)
- Conceptions of Power and Conceptions of Justice (Dublin, 2012)
- Kommentar zu Axel Honneths "Das Recht der Freiheit" (Bad Homburg, 2012)
- Die Macht der Gerechtigkeit (Frankfurt, 2012)
- Woher bekommt die immanente Kritik ihre Normen? (Frankfurt, 2011)
- Soziale Gerechtigkeit und institutionelle Macht (Munich, 2011)
- Second Nature and Reflection. Towards a Negative Naturalism (Auckland, 2011)
- Verbrecher, Terroristen und Schöne Seelen. Hegel über die Pathologien sozialer Freiheit (Stuttgart, 2011)
- Praxis, Technik und expressive Vernunft. Verdinglichung als Pathologie zweiter Ordnung (Cottbus, 2011)
- Ideologiekritik als Kritik sozialer Praktiken (Berlin, 2011)
- Joint Commitment and Collective Normative Self-Governance (Basel, 2010)
- Reification as a Second-Order Pathology (Prague, 2010)
- Eine kritische Theorie sozialer Praktiken (Munich, 2010)
- Eine kritische Theorie sozialer Praktiken (Berlin, 2010)
- Sharing the Background (Konstanz, 2009)
- Eine kritische Theorie sozialer Praktiken (Cologne, 2009)
- Criminals and Beautiful Souls: Hegel on Rule-Following and Moral Freedom (Sydney, 2008)
- Institutional Power, Collective Acceptance and Recognition (Berkeley, 2008)
- Three Forms of Social Freedom (Frankfurt, 2008)
- The Social Ontological Foundations of Immanent Critique (Prague, 2008)
- The Politics of Recognition and the Limited Power of ’Identity’ as an Argument (Sydney, 2007)
- Response to Anthony J. Langlois’ “Religious Reasons in Political Debate: Jeffrey Stout and the Tradition of Democracy” (Sydney, 2007)
- Gibt es legitime Ansprüche auf die Anerkennung partikularer Identitäten (Frankfurt, 2007)
- A Libertarian Reading of the Struggle for Recognition (Colchester, 2007)
Professional Presentations
- Ideological Propaganda (Groningen, 05/2024)
- Data Autonomy, Non-Domination and Academic Freedom (Groningen, 06/2022)